For each annotation cluster the gene groups GO terms pathways that belong to the cluster are listed including test statistics and genes in the gene group that were. Balke VO 2 max test - suitable for endurance sports. Astrand Cycle Fitness Test There are many other cycling tests and. . The original test method and nomogram Åstrand P-O. 31 Astrand and Ryhming 31 noted that in subjects aged 18 to 30 years the men had an average HR of 128 bpm at 50. Astrand-Rhyming Cycle Ergometer Test. Fitness Testing Tests Aerobic Endurance Astrand Cycle Test. Balke Incremental treadmill protocol test - VO 2 max test on a treadmill male and female tests. This calculator is an estimate two people can sit in a chair and one will be fidgeting and twitching the other just zen and barely moving they are both doing the same activity but there is a calorie burn difference. Astrand and Ryhming Cycle Ergometer Test Description. Howe